San Bernardino County School District Facilities

San Bernardino City Unified School District
Facilities Planning and Development

Renewal. Reliable. Sustainable. Exceptional.


Citizens Oversight Committee

Citizens Oversight Committee Contact

Jesse Ortega

The Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) is a team of passionate and committed local residents, business leaders and parents who work to ensure that SBCUSD Facilities projects are getting students the resources they need to succeed! These members are active in the community and carry with them a special connection to San Bernardino that shines through their dedication to the role.

Our Members

Kevin Gilbreth

Committee Chair and At-Large/Parent Representative

Kevin Gilbreth

Committee Chair and At-Large/Parent Representative

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Where are you originally from? 

San Bernardino born and raised.

What is your relationship to San Bernardino City and the District? 

Both my wife and I are products good or bad of the San Bernardino School district, we live within the district boundaries and both of our children will graduate from SBUSD.

What motivated you to become a COC member? 

My wife has been involved with the workings of the school district and I felt it was time for me.  I have been involved with the facilities and working of another school district and felt my knowledge could be helpful.

What are your goals for SBCUSD during your COC membership? 

With a heavy athletics background I would like to see the athletic facilities throughout the district continue to be updated and a deferred maintenance plan/account be created to maintain the facilities.

Tim P. King

Member At-Large

Tim P. King

Member At-Large

Proud of Our Safe City Schools and the development of skills and knowledge of our students to enable them to find life time jobs and successful occupations. ” 

Where are you originally from? 

West Inland Empire Area. 

What is your relationship to San Bernardino City and the District? 

I have lived in San Bernardino City since 1982. I have had two children go to the SBCUSD. My wife did work for the SBCUSD. 

What motivated you to become a COC member? 

Watching School Board Meetings and seeing SBCUSD improve school sites. Bond money comes from Taxes the City of San Bernardino charges me.  What is the relationship of the City of San Bernardino and SBCUSD? 

What are your goals for SBCUSD during your COC membership? 

My goals are to meet the Seven COC Mission statements.  I want to monitor the process and benefits of the money used from the Bonds and assure its usage for the education and well-being of the students of SBCUSD.  I will watch for misuse and loop-holes of funds used from the Bonds while keeping in mind that my primary source of information is from the District. 




Melania Romero

Parent Representative

Melania Romero

Parent Representative

Jayne Zylman

Taxpayer Organization Representative

Jayne Zylman

Taxpayer Organization Representative

Keith Zylman

Member At-Large

Keith Zylman

Member At-Large

COC Mission

  1. To verify that projects funded with bond proceeds were permitted under the projects list submitted to voters (or available to voters if not reprinted in the Voter Handbook) at the time of election.
  2. To review the annual financial audit and performance audit maintained under Proposition 39.
  3. To review the annual list of deferred maintenance projects.
  4. To conduct on-site inspections of projects to verify performance of contractors on an as needed basis.
  5. To request that the District provide information on cost saving methods of design or construction that relate to any of the proposed projects.
  6. To publicize the results of the findings of the Committee in order to inform the public of the status of the bonds and the proposed projects.
  7. To evaluate the applicability of “reusable” designs for schools financed with Bond proceeds.

Click here to learn more about the COC’s governing law and how to become a member.


We have made the following reports readily available. If you are interested in an archived report pre-2016, please contact the Facilities Department at (909) 388-6100.

COC Reports

Bond reports showcase how much was spent for each bond under each project and measure. Annual reports summarize COC activities and bond expenditures over the year.

Financial and Performance Audits

Financial and performance audits report on revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance.

Reports Archive

Completed Projects

Here's a glimpse at projects we are most proud to have completed.

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Current Projects

So many great projects underway. More than 50 to be exact!

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Future Projects

Can't stop. Won't stop.

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