San Bernardino County School District Facilities

San Bernardino City Unified School District
Facilities Planning and Development

Renewal. Reliable. Sustainable. Exceptional.


Local Business Outreach Program Form

If you are a vendor interested in working with the district, fill out this form. For more information on our Local Business Outreach Program, go here. You can also fill out a PDF copy of this form.

LBOC form

Contact Information

i.e. “Tom Pace, Director” or “Estimating Department”
What type of phone is this?
Mailing Address (if different from physical address) *
Mailing Address (if different from physical address)
Physical Address *
Physical Address

Business Classification

Ownership Type *
Please estimate the number of full-time employees employed by your firm.
Please estimate your firm’s gross annual revenues (3-year average)
Business Certification (check all that apply)
Business Licenses Requiring Pre-Qualification
Please select all that apply. Please note that if your firm intends to bid on work related to the below licenses that pre-qualification will be necessary.
Business Licenses
Please select all business licenses that your firm holds and is interested in getting information about upcoming bids.
Services/Business Goods (check all that apply)
Please indicate services or business goods that your firm wishes to provide to SBCUSD. If your firm’s good or service is not listed, use the “other” field and separate the items with a semicolon.

Acknowledgement and Feedback

Please let us know if there were any difficulties or uncertainties in utilizing the form response. If you have additional information to submit, or questions, please contact us at
Please review your submission carefully. You must fill out and resubmit the form again to make changes.
Please indicate if this submission is intended to replace a prior submission by checking the box below.

Completed Projects

Here's a glimpse at projects we are most proud to have completed.

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Current Projects

So many great projects underway. More than 50 to be exact!

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Future Projects

Can't stop. Won't stop.

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