San Bernardino County School District Facilities

San Bernardino City Unified School District
Facilities Planning and Development

Renewal. Reliable. Sustainable. Exceptional.


Bonds at Work

Voter-approved bonds Measure T (2004) and Measure N (2012) have been at play to ensure that every student learns in a classroom that is safe, clean and functional. These bonds were passed with an overwhelming support and commitment from the community, with an 80% approval. After a district-wide audit by the Board of Education, a priority list was created to ensure bonds are allocated to projects that will make a difference in the best interest of the students. As a result, here are the items that are the foundation of Facilities Department projects.

  1. Ensure that every student learns in a classroom that is safe and clean.
  2. Repair and replace leaky roofs.
  3. Repair and replace fire alarms, security and electrical systems and remove asbestos.
  4. Update classroom technology and science labs.
  5. Adhere to specific financial accountability safeguards such as:
    1. Sacramento is prohibited from taking any of the funds raised.
    2. All expenditures are subject to annual independent financial audits.
    3. No funds can be used for administrators’ salaries and pensions.
    4. All funds will stay in the District and be subject to local control.
    5. An independent citizens’ oversight committee will be appointed to ensure that all funds are spent only as authorized.
    6. The Facilities Needs Assessment is on file at the Maintenance & Operations and Facilities Department.

Our priorities don’t stop there though. We are constantly evolving ideas for how we can make SBCUSD’s facilities the best in California. And we’ve got an incredible Citizens Oversight Committee to support our efforts.

Completed Projects

Here's a glimpse at projects we are most proud to have completed.

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Current Projects

So many great projects underway. More than 50 to be exact!

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Future Projects

Can't stop. Won't stop.

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